Innovation Programs That Accelerate And Amplify Value

At Hangar 75, our mission is to collaborate with global corporations, unlocking opportunities by harnessing the talents and ideas from both within and beyond their organizational boundaries. Every discovery and initiative we undertake is meticulously designed to not only yield tangible commercial benefits but also to contribute significantly towards societal advancement.

Image illustrating innovation and fast movement created by Hangar 75

One Innovation Framework, Two Formats for Success

Success in nurturing internal ideas and establishing meaningful partnerships in the venture ecosystem requires more than just effort; it demands dedicated time, unwavering consistency, strategic structure, and a distinct mindset tailored for breakthroughs.

At Hangar 75, we recognize these nuances and offer our flagship innovation framework through two tailored formats to meet diverse organizational needs.

No matter which direction you take, Hangar 75 is dedicated to ensuring that your innovation initiatives generate both business outcomes and positive societal impacts.

Image illustrating a Hangar 75 innovation workshop with multiple stakeholders.

Fully Managed Innovation

Our fully managed innovation service is engineered to provide a clear, outcome-driven solution that not only simplifies your innovation journey but also ensures a societal impact.

From the initial concept to full implementation, we meticulously manage every detail, ensuring our strategies seamlessly blend with your operations and teams. This comprehensive approach is designed to streamline your path to measurable outcomes.

Image illustrating a one on one innovation mentorship session between a Hangar 75 Partner and a Founder

Innovation Mentorship

Our mentorship model is crafted to complement your organization's existing capabilities, guiding you towards independent innovation with lasting impact. This partnership extends beyond simple knowledge transfer; it's an immersive process that weaves our core principles and methodologies into the fabric of your team's operations.

With our support, your team will be bolstered to navigate the innovation landscape with assurance and autonomy.

Innovation Framework Elements

  • What We Do

    We meticulously chart a course to achieve specific, beneficial changes within organizations and across societal structures. Our initiatives are carefully designed to drive performance and progress.

    Why It's Important

    By setting and pursuing concrete outcomes, we ensure that our efforts yield real value and a discernible positive impact, providing a beacon for our collective innovation journey.

  • What We Do

    We curate and cultivate strategic themes and compelling value propositions that align with organizational missions and meet market needs, guiding innovation efforts.

    Why It's Important

    These themes act as a foundation for targeted innovation, ensuring that every initiative is purpose-driven and resonates with both internal objectives and external demands.

  • What We Do

    We forge strategic partnerships and alliances, creating a synergy that amplifies our reach and impact.

    Why It's Important

    Through collaboration, we unlock new value, share risks, and combine strengths, ensuring that our innovation ecosystem is robust and dynamic.

  • What We Do

    We assemble a powerhouse of enablers and patrons to provide resources and support, propelling our program's initiatives forward.

    Why It's Important

    This support system is vital for nurturing innovation, offering the guidance and backing necessary for ideas to flourish.

  • What We Do

    We establish a clear framework that incentivizes and rewards both internal and external contributors of ideas and ventures.

    Why It's Important

    A structured contribution system encourages a rich inflow of ideas, fostering a culture of innovation and ensuring that valuable insights are recognized and cultivated.

  • What We Do

    We actively engage with contributors of ideas and the venture community fostering commitment and collaboration throughout the innovation process.

    Why It's Important

    Keeping contributors actively involved and engaged ensures a sustained flow of ideas and ventures.

  • What We Do

    We systematically collect and evaluate the potential of ideas and ventures, identifying those with the greatest promise for development and impact.

    Why It's Important

    This discerning process ensures we invest in ideas that are not only innovative but also viable, steering resources effectively toward breakthroughs with real potential.

  • What We Do

    We refine and enhance selected ideas and ventures, preparing them to achieve the desired outcomes and make a significant impact.

    Why It's Important

    By enriching these concepts, we increase their market fit and potential for success, ensuring that they can make a substantial contribution to both organizational goals and societal progress.

  • What We Do

    We prepare initiatives for real-world application and scalability, ensuring they are robust and ready for expansion.

    Why It's Important

    Piloting and readiness for scaling are critical in transitioning from concept to reality, allowing us to test, adapt, and ultimately replicate success on a larger scale.

  • What We Do

    We measure performance indicators and return on investment, proving the efficacy and financial viability of our program's efforts.

    Why It's Important

    Quantifiable metrics and ROI are essential for evaluating success, demonstrating accountability, and guiding future investments in innovation. They serve as the empirical evidence of our program's value and its alignment with broader strategic ambitions.



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